Change in the Temp......Today the weather was finally not humid. It was a great day and I enjoyed having the window's open and the air conditioner off. The kids also tried to swim, but decided that it was a bit cold. All last week they spent a lot of time in the swimming pool, since it was really hot & humid. I figured they better get as much swimming in as possible before the hot summer days run out. Wow it's amazing that the summer is about over and fall is just around the corner.
The kids have been working in their school workbooks every morning for the several weeks. Anna has almost finished 2 of the 4 work books that Grandma Kara got her for her B-day. Even Gabriel has been working through books of his own. It's so nice to have the kids ask to do school every morning. I even went to the library with Gabriel and we check out some fun learning books on bugs, sharks and big machine equipment - that ones for Gabe. The kids have been showing special interest in animals lately. Today we caught a really big moth. We thought it was dead for a while and then realized it wasn't. Then this evening it started making a lots of noise and flew away. Anna was sad about that.
The kids have finally recovered from Hand Foot & Mouth Disease. It was a ruff 3 weeks or so, but it is finally over and they are all back to themselves and playing like crazy. I hope to get some pictures up sometime soon. Until then have a great week:)