Heading for a Visit..... I'm planning on visiting my parents over the weekend. My aunt from California will be visiting my dad and so I decided to load the kids up on Saturday and spend a few days. Brandon will be staying home, since he has two big test on Monday to study for. I sure will miss my hubby's help with the kids, but at least he will have a nice quiet weekend, so he can study in the comfort of his own home.
The garden is winding down. There are a few more tomatoes to ripen, green peppers growing, broccoli that never ends and a few zucchini here and there. It's been a good year with plenty of broccoli, string beans, corn & zucchini in the freezer. I also canned about 50 quarts of tomatoes, which is a record for me. I actually had a neighbor give me some canning jars and we also bought a few because I thought I might run out. It is a blessing to have a freezer full and to not have to buy very much at the grocery store.
Well it's quiet in our house early tonight. Noah was in bed at 6:30 p.m. and the other two have tired themselves out and are sleeping. I hope to take some good pictures over the weekend or maybe I will just let my daughter take control of the camera. Have a great weekend!