Friday, November 21, 2008

Where does the time go....

Sorry for the lack of posts this week. I really can't believe Friday is here already. We have all been sick here with stuffed up noises and feeling a bit tired. I have also been working on Christmas presents and trying to get everything together to see what I have. I can't believe that next week is Thanksgiving and before we know it Brandon will be done with another semester and we will be off to Nebraska for a couple of weeks. Here are just a few random pictures from the last week. Enjoy:)

I know we said we would keep the dog off the couch. Most of the time she is unless she wants to snuggle.

The dog had climbed in the landry basket because Anna had put a bunch of pillows and blankets in it. Charles loves pillows and blankets.
The kids were enjoying a good size bowl of black olives. The things they will eat:)

Gabe was showing me what he was making with his play dough. They have been playing with play dough a lot lately, since it is to cold to play outside.

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Unknown said...

Hello!! Charlie looks like she's grown since I saw her. I hope that you guys have a safe trip to Nebraska. Have a great thanksgiving!!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I am new to your site and wanted to tell you how adorable your little beagle is! I have two beagles, and they certainly keep our home lively! Blessings to you, and I hope to visit often. Peggy in Virginia

Renee said...

We love your beagle and I grew up with beagles and love them so much. They are such sweet dogs. Thanks for stopping by to visit.