Sunday, August 24, 2008

I should of said teeth because Brandon notice at church today that both the bottom two teeth are coming in. Ouch! He is still doing pretty well even though it has to hurt. I tried some of that Orajel and he didn't like it at all. I don't think I will try it again. It's suppose to be berry flavor, but he gave me the worst look.

We had a great day today. After church we went to Borders, so I could get my free drink that I had coming to me. The kids also were very good while there. They both got a little cup of whip cream, which they loved. It's bonus for Brandon and I also because then they are not bothering us for sips from our drink. Anna enjoyed looking at several different books and found a really nice Cinderella book that had 600 stickers in it. She just loves stickers:)

Hope you all had a wonderful days!

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